June 25, 2024
9 min read

How Movingo Gets Foreign Companies Up and Running in the UAE in a Couple of Days

Written with love by
Imad Gharazeddine

Thinking about setting up shop in the UAE but don’t know where to start? You’re not alone.

Fortunately, Mamo has teamedup with Movingo to make your entry into this exciting market as smooth as possible.

Here’s a no-nonsense breakdown of what’s happening and how it benefits you.

Who is Movingo?

Movingo is an all-in-one platform for company formation, visas and everyday legal services in the UAE. With an immense database of UAE business jurisdictions and residency visas, The Movingo team has helped entrepreneurs save up to $10,000 across numerous corporate services.

You can get in touch with the Movingo team via email at or via WhatsApp.

We sat down with Movingo’s founder and CEO, Anastasia Davydova, to discuss the partnership:

Mamo: What makes Movingo different from other business setup consultants?

Anastasia: This is probably — business-wise — not the best approach but I believe that values-wise it's the best one. We do not work exclusively with any free zone. We work with everyone. This makes us very flexible in terms of what we offer to our clients. And it enables us to offer options that specifically meet their needs.

The market today is full of conflicts of interest. Business setup consultants refer clients to one freezone over another purely because that freezone pays them higher commissions. Very often, the solution simply doesn’t work for the end-client. We’ve seen many of our clients realize that the solution they were offered before coming to us had to be re-done, resulting in a lot of wasted time and money.

We are always very honest and open with our clients. We tell them what they need and why.

Mamo: Why should businesses consider setting up in the UAE (versus other markets)?

Anastasia: First, in my opinion, the UAE is a very promising market. They need a lot of talent to fulfil their ambitions. I wouldn’t say there isn’t much competition, but there is definitely a lot of opportunity here. You can try a lot of things here and get immense support from the government. The UAE needs more brains and more capital in the country. Second, is the way the government is supporting businesses. There is very low corporate tax and no income tax. Corporate tax in the UAE is considered amongst the lowest in the world. Also there are a lot of ways to be exempt from paying corporate tax. Third, legalities are pretty straightforward. No matter what the nature of your business is, there’s always a way to get set up here. You will always feel welcome here.

I think the UAE is also becoming interesting for startups. For example, just recently Dubai Chambers said that they’re working hard to make sure the UAE’s digital economy will grow to $140 billion by 2031. We work with Dubai Chambers directly. We know how hard, really hard, they work to attract people to the UAE. I see  that the country says what it will do and does what it says. It’s really cool.

Geographically, the UAE is in an amazing location; in between the three continents. It will take you approximately seven hours to fly anywhere in the world. This is good, not only for personal travel, but for business logistics and operations.

Then, obviously the country is super safe. People are usually shocked how safe it is. You will get addicted to this. Whenever I go to Europe now, I feel very, very unsafe (giggles). For example, I know I can’t leave my wallet on the table in a coffee shop there, whilst in Dubai it’s completely normal and safe to do so!

Mamo: What can clients expect when working with Movingo?

Anastasia: They can definitely expect that we will be doing everything in our power to make sure we come up with the perfect solution for them. That's one of the reasons why we are actually working on our platform to digitize the whole process.

Admittedly, today, we can’t offer 100% of options or jurisdictions or visa types, but I really believe that people who move to another country they must make their own conscious decision and not just let some consultants whom they're paying a lot of money to offer them something which would potentially not work.

We are also really affordable compared to our competitors.

Mamo: What can clients expect when working with Movingo, and what does the process look like?

Anastasia: So the process can be structured in two ways. As I've mentioned, we're a startup. We are working on a platform where people would be able to register any entity, get any visa in the UAE just using us. Without the need to go anywhere else. As we don't have all the options there yet, there are two ways to work with us.

First: If we have the opportunity on the platform, the client can apply online, we’ll have a short call to understand their needs correctly, and then we’ll process things for them. Clients will be able to upload their documents through the platform, over email or even over WhatsApp.

Second: There are still some things we don’t do on the platform in a fully automated way. For example, Golden Visas. In these cases, we work hand-in-hand with clients and talk them through the entire process manually.

Mamo: Why did you, Anastasia, get into this business?

Anastasia: Two reasons. First, when I moved to the UAE in 2019, I needed to get a visa, any visa. We get this request very often: I just need a visa.

I started to research this online and came across the concept of a freelance visa. Then when I got my first project in an agency in Abu Dhabi, while signing the contract with them it took nearly 2 months to come to an agreement with them on how to work together given my visa status. It was super complicated and a big headache. So this was, let's say, issue number one I felt like, okay, this is completely wrong.

Then, I think 2021, I set up another startup. It took me two to three months to actually understand how to register, where to register, how to select the jurisdiction. And then I was going to many many different consultants and everyone was offering something different or the same, but here it can cost thousands of Dirhams and there it can cost ten thousand Dirhams. No one could explain why.

At that time I started to consult various startups looking at the UAE, willing to move here. This is where the idea for Movingo started.

Mamo: Why did you choose Mamo as your partner?

Anastasia: I was looking for different payment solutions in the UAE before I met Mamo. I tried more or less all of them and then I tried Mamo. You were just the best. It is my personal experience but I think this is also true. You guys are fast, you're super nice, you can always talk to a human if you don't understand something.

We were also referring our clients to you before we had this partnership, because the price for your services is, I think, one of the best, if not the best.

I'm really impressed by what you guys do and I think you do a great job, not only by having a cool product but also by supporting small and medium sized businesses who have a really, really hard time opening accounts, receiving payments here in the UAE. It’s all very hard and you just help a crazy amount of people to start their operations here.

What this means for businesses looking to partner with Mamo

  • Easier Setup: With Mamo and Movingo working together, you have a one-stop shop for setting up your business in the UAE and operating it. Movingo takes care of the business setup legalities and logistics, while Mamo makes sure your payments infrastructure is up and running smoothly from day one.
  • Less Hassle: Between Movingo handling the paperwork and Mamo setting up your payment systems, you can focus on what you do best — running your business. No more getting bogged down by red tape or tech issues.
  • Expert Help: Both Movingo and Mamo really know their stuff. Movingo understands the ins and outs of getting set up in the UAE, while Mamo brings top-notch payment technology to the table. Together, they provide you with everything you need to get started without a hitch.

Why you should set up shop in the UAE

Setting up a business in the UAE offers several compelling financial benefits that can seriously boost your company's profitability and growth potential:

  1. 0% to 9% Tax: The UAE is renowned for its tax-friendly environment. Many businesses operating in the UAE benefit from zero percent corporate tax rates both in Free Zones and on Mainland. Additionally, there is no value-added tax (VAT) on many business activities, further reducing your financial overhead.
  2. No Import or Export Duties: Businesses established in UAE free zones often enjoy exemptions from import and export duties. This can result in substantial savings, particularly for companies involved in manufacturing, trading, or logistics.
  3. Full Profit Repatriation: The UAE allows for 100% repatriation of profits and capital. This means that as an owner, you can transfer all your earnings back to your home country without restrictions. This financial flexibility is a major advantage for international investors and entrepreneurs looking to maximize their returns on investment.
  4. Affordable Business Setup Costs: While initial setup costs can vary depending on the business type and free zone, many free zones offer competitive and transparent pricing for company registration, office space, and licensing. This can be more cost-effective compared to other regions where business setup and operational costs may be higher. And this is precisely where the Movingo team steps in as your trusted advisor.
  5. Access to Banking and Financial Services: The UAE’s robust financial sector provides excellent banking facilities, including easy access to business accounts, loans, and investment services. This financial infrastructure supports business growth and facilitates smooth financial operations. And with partners like Mamo supporting you, you’ll have access to real humans supporting your business’s financial operations at all times.

What you get with Movingo

  • Dedicated account manager: Movingo will assign a dedicated account manager that is there for you every step of the way over email, WhatsApp, calls or your preferred communication channel. The Movingo team is small and agile, which means they value the personal touch that the UAE has become known for above all else.
  • Unbiased advice: Unlike other business setup consultants, Movingo doesn’t have any favorite free zones. This means you’ll always get unbiased advice on the free zone that best suits your business’s needs.
  • Cost savings: With Movingo, you stand to save up to $10,000 on setting up a business in the UAE.

Get in touch with the Movingo team via email at or via WhatsApp.